Thursday, November 22, 2012


My dear Host

So, I'm now in Grums, the point where world starts. Or ends.. or... Well, it is either end of the world. I'm here in Grums with Dan who is my awesome and generous host. Together we have seen a few movies, chilled and discussed the different importances in the world. We also started working on our very own song.

So, why Grums, and why Dan? I met Danne at an Arvika Festival a few years ago and he was a really nice guy. We discussed communism, sang songs about The Reaction by the group "Röda Stjärnan" (the red star). Since then we've kept in contact making music and such things together. Not much that got finished, but we've had a lot of fun together.

The current song sound really nice. The lyrics might be a bit silly though. The idea was generally to make a song. Then we went "should we have lyrics" and "What theme?". We were silent for a few minutes and then said "Okay, first article on the Tabloid will be our EBM song's theme." And so we made it "The Skeleton Woman" after an article with a woman called "Skelettkvinnan" meaning just that. Politically correct? Maybe not, but no one died from a bit of necrophilia.

Our beautiful studio

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