Friday, November 16, 2012

So. This is me. Hi!

I'm just going though the last few things, ordering the last few tickets and insurances and what have you, and then I will head out into the world and see grand and pretty new things.

I will keep this blog running and show all the nice pictures I take with my trusty new camera I just got from my father and stepmother. Or, well, not all pictures, but you get the idea.

I will also use this place to vent ideas and make sure you know I'm not quite dead yet. And of course, last but not least, tell about my adventures and explain about all my friends I meet along the way.

The whole idea of this trip is to meet up with old and new internet friends. Some friends I've known for over 12 years. A few others only for a month or too. But they have all managed to win my heart somehow. Some seems to be nervous about me imposing on them, others are all very eager and are making plans for what to show me once I get there. Already now I'll say "I'm sorry I'm late!" because I am fairly certain my idea of a time schedule is pretty messed up. The only real time I got set in my mind is to be in Berlin at latest on the 22nd of December and then be on Key West at the 24th of december.

Anyhow, to keep in interactive, feel free to ask me questions, challenge me to do things or simply just talk to me.

First stop will be on Tuesday the 20th of November. Grums of Sweden! There I will meet up with my friend Danne, and we will make strange music together. =)

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