Monday, January 7, 2013


A room with a view.
So, as my facebook friends already know, I am safe and sound in Atlanta. It was a bit scary getting here though. The Greyhound was interesting to say the least. I didn't much mind the transportation or the seats. It was quite a comfy ride, to be honest. However someone decided to smoke weed in the bathroom of the bus which prompted the driver to stop at a rest stop and call the police. No one was caught, and we all got to fill in witness testimonies.

As I arrived at 9pm in Atlanta, I tried to figure out if I should go by cab or train towards where I was headed. A guy came up to me and said "Hey, man, I just got out of jail. And I need some cash for the train home". That made me make up my mind rather quickly.

There was a long row of cabs waiting at the street opposite the road, but all were empty. I walked up them one by one and peeked inside until I see a cab where there is a person hovering and talking to the cabbie. I ask "Hey, sorry to bother, is this cab free?". And the driver says in his thick Jamaican accent
- Free? Where are you from?
- Uhm, Sweden?
- Tell me, do you have cabs there?
- Yes, of course.
- Do you get to ride the cabs for free in Switzerland?

That guy did not get my business. Not sure if he was a smartass, racist or just an idiot. Anyhow, now I'm stashed away at my hotelroom. And I made another tactical error. In thinking "close to the airport, that must mean easy transportation" I was all wrong. I can get to and from the airport. But yesterday I walked two hours up the road and found nothing. No stores, no resturants, no nothing. Today I walked two hours down the road and found a bad neighbourhood. The sort of place who eat white people and spit out their bones.

I've come to two conclusions:
1) I don't like Atlanta
2) Atanta is very racist. Whites hates blacks. Blacks hate whites. Both hate hispanics. Florida was better in that sense. There everyone just hated the Cubans.

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