Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Tower formerly known as Sears

So, today I decided to explore downtown Chicago a bit. Much like New York City (and many other American city centres) it got lots of really tall buildings. One of them being taller than the rest. That building being the Sears Willis tower.

Sears Willis Tower was the largest building ever between 1973 and 1998. To be sure, it is very, VERY tall. 108 stories high, and an elevator lets you go up to level 103 where the SkyDeck can be found. The SkyDeck is situated 412 meters (1,353 feet) above the ground and an elevator takes you up there in about 60 seconds (about 25 km/h, 15 mph). That's 3 times faster than the world's fastest swimmer! And only slightly slower than the world record runner for the same time.

When you first enter at ground level you are taken though Security and you get your picture taken for security purposes souvenir purposes. As the ride go up, your height above the ground is shown on the television inside and compared to different animals and buildings. Then you exit onto the SkyDeck, which is a large deck from which you can see the whole of Chicago stretching out underneath. All four sides got windows, so you can walk around and really get a 360 view of everything. The area is really large, so it is quite fun to just walk slowly and gawk and be in awe. To see skyscrapers at "mere 50 stories height" underneath you is simply breathtaking and to an extent even mind boggling.

At the last wall you pass they got glass boxes installed which protrudes outside of the building and where you got glass under your feet where you can see all the 412 meters under you. As I watched other tourists get on it, I saw them carefully step and test the ground as if it would break and I rolled my eyes. As I got on it, I felt my scrotum try and hide far up in my belly and air get squshed out of my lungs as I tiptoed out myself. Looking straight down is really a breath taking experience.

After having walked though no less than 3 or was it even 4 gift shops, I was out on the streets in the Loop once more. One experience richer and with any luck, my balls will drop once more later this week.

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