Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Benefit of the doubt: Atlanta

Feeling really sorry for me, Rania, a woman I met though SecondLife not all that very long ago (what is it now, a year? Half a year? I forget) wanted to show me that Atlanta is not all about racism and seedy people glaring at you.

First thing that happened was that poor Rania thought a plane was going to crash into her car as she came to pick me up. The driveway is in an upward slope, and the plane comes in at an angle so I don't blame her. I was scared myself when I first saw how close the planes come. If you were stand on the roof of the hotel you could reach out and touch the planes as they come by.

We then headed out to a really good family owned Persian restaurant where I got to see what real Hummus should taste like. Also, I learned that kebob is nothing like the kebab we're used to in Sweden. It was so good and so tender I still tremble at the memory of the taste. Then we went on impulse to the Atlanta Aquarium.

Of all the indoor aquariums I've seen so far in my trip, this one was really the best. They got beluga whales, whale sharks, manta rays and otters! This place was amazing and really awe-inspiring. If you go to Atlanta, this is really the place to be.

After that we went to Der Beirgarten where I finally got to have a taste of good beer. German beer, yes, but good beer. I've been missing good beer ever since I got to America. Just as I've been missing good coffee ever since I left Kristina and Carla. I even got to show off a bit by pronouncing Pilsner Urquell correctly.

When all is said and done, I had a lot of fun with Rania yesterday, and I'm only sad I didn't have the chance to meet her husband and make use of their guestroom. But, what the heck, the jet engines passing over the hotel got a soothing quality seen from the right light... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 comment:

  1. Mattias, I had such a wonderful time, I was glad to help redeem Atlanta a bit. But really? An Otter picture? I haven't even ASKED for anything yet! ;) You can be my passenger seat co-pilot any time. Thank you again for a wonderful day.
