Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A lonely pint

After a few failed attempts of finding someone to hang with, I gave it up and went for a beer of my lonesome at a pub. €7. Things really are expensive here in Amsterdam, that's even more expensive than in sweden. Only thing cheap are hookers and weed. At least if compared to the rest of the world. I'm really starting to think this place was sort of a bad idea to come to alone. I'm a bit baffled by how hard it is to reach out to people here. Either tightly wound tourists who wonders why on earth this strange Swede is talking to them, or some dutch person trying to make money of me. Bleh, I might be a bit down after a day in isolation with belly ache and Christmas coloured poop. But I really look forward to coming to Florida and meet up with people I know again. Only a few days left.


  1. Pretty funny that you start your post with "After a few failed attempts of finding someone to hang with"
    And later "Only thing cheap are hookers and weed."

    Might just be me, but I found it funny :)

  2. Well, I could have gone and smoked weed and then get a hooker for company... but... =P
