Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hustle the hustling hustler!

So, I was approached by a girl who pointed to a paper which in bad engish said something about being the official charity for deaf children. On the very same photocopied paper there were names already written, photocopied. Where it said city someone had written "Alice" where it said "zip code" someone wrote "Paris". About 3 names, the same errors for each name. An obvious scam. She refused to talk in either German or English with me, so she was not even from Germany. So, I scribble on her paper, and for the amount I write down €20. Here comes the hustle! I gave her €10!

Wait, wait, wait. Before you complain and go "Mattias, you stupid bastard, you still gave her money!", sit back and listen. I took a few steps, went out of view for a bit and then came back, all angry-looking and said "Wait a second! You scammed me! That wasn't right!" she looked a bit taken aback an shook her head. I said "I want my money back!" And she shook her head again. I looked around and loudly said "Where is the Police?" in both English and German. Loud enough for people around to hear, but not loud enough to actually call attention. She looked scared and pulled out the €10 I gave her. And I say "No! Look the paper. I gave 20!" She looks and then gives me a 20 instead. I nod and go away. Secretly trying not to cackle in insane glee and adrenaline.

Now I just need to hustle some other scammers out of another 15 euro and I've broken even from the previous one.

In  other news, I messed up a bit with the flight plan and thought the plane left at 3:30, when it actually leaves at 6:30, leaving me effectively stranded in Berlin with no place to stay or go. According to the homepage, the airport close between 00:00 and 04:00. I tried to call to confirm, but something was wrong with my phone. But I managed to get the help of my roomie to double check it (cudos man *fist-bump*). So I've been wandering from about 11 am to now (4:30 pm) before I managed to find a 24/7 cafĂ© with free WiFi, huzzah! I just hope they won't throw me out, since I'll be staying here some 10 hours or so.

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