Saturday, December 15, 2012

Late Night at Red Light

So, today I've done a lot of walking. And by a lot I mean something near too much. about 16.2 kilometers or so (quite exactly 10 miles). Strange enough I've been walking half the day though some sort of half-depression. Just feeling "bleh" about everything. "Should I do this? ...meh. Should I do that? What's the use..." However after a bit of extra food (from Burger Bar, awesome €13 burgers. Worth every cent) I started feeling a bit better again.

I went to a museum, A Torture Museum. €7.5 and I thought "yeah! I can get interesting ideas here for item to sell in my 3D shop!". And let me tell you, meanwhile I got interesting ideas, it was the worse museum ever. Absolutely NOT worth that kind of money. All in all, reading all the texts and taking a picture of almost every single item, it took me 20-30 minutes to walk though it. The whole thing was a set of narrow corridors made to feel like a medieval dungeon. They pulled that off quite well. But the light in there was terrible, at times so bad you couldn't even see the exhibit at points. Making photography close to impossible. Most of the torture instruments were replicas. It felt a bit like looking at a children's picture book and reading a short few words of info more than going to a museum. No, not worth it in the least.

After that I drifted around a bit, then headed to a local cinema and saw "The Hobbit". Wow, I was blown away. I loved it! The only bad thing about it was that it felt too short. And that was at almost 3 hours. I liked it a lot more than Lord of The Rings, but then again, I liked the book much better too.

Last but not least I headed to the Red Light District to see what all the fuzz was all about. Though the heavy mists of cannabis smoke, hanging thick over the canal I saw lots of people and lots of naked ladies. And wow, let me tell you. There were a lot of very pretty girls with little or less clothing there. And wow, let me tell you. I do not like the sex industry. But that's a feminist discussion for another day.

Not Red Light District, but pretty =D
But, I've realized that getting a hotel room rather than a hostel room might have been a tactical mistake. I'd really have liked to have some strangers to hang around with and do things in the town with. Really, going to a coffee shop by yourself isn't really all that fun. Much like going to a bar on your own. However, on a bar you can just have one beer and think it is nice and leave. Going to get stoned alone would be like getting drunk alone. And a lone drunk is quite a sad thing. Same thing if you'd be so inclined to go to a sex show. If you go alone, you are a sad lonely person. With a group it is a fun outing. Soo, I'm staying away from the drugs and the sex during this visit. Hmm, unless I perhaps find a mushroom cookie to enjoy at the hotel room. So I can be a tourist in astral Amsterdam...

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