Monday, December 3, 2012

Belgian goverment!

The Antwerp Grand Centra
Okay, I'm in Belgium now, and I'm going to teach you just how the government work. I know all about it since I had it explained to me one and even saw a youtube video. One. Basically you got one single government which likes french fries with mayo. They control the whole country. Then you got 3 other government (Flemish, French and German) who also have the same power. Each of theses doesn't much like one another and work in different regions (mostly, but sometimes they overlap). Neither much agree with the other, and they all speak different languages so they can't much understand one another, but they all agree on that the national dish is French Fries with Mayo.

When voting, you do it 5 times, since it is a very democratic nation (6 if you count the european parlament vote). Once for Government. Once for the other government. Once for quite local area. Another time for a very local area. And another which I forgot, but is also important.

But they all love fries, even if they say it differently. Oh, with mayo.