Saturday, December 15, 2012


I've been a bit lazy with updating the blog lately. I've mostly just been walking around, looking at museums and things like that. The only thing with real blog substance was a zoo visit, but I spent all that day being lazy around the Hostel and picking at my bellybutton.

Yesterday afternoon I arrived in Amsterdam and locked myself into my hotel room. That's right, hotel room! It cost me only something like €160 for 5 days, and the only bad reviews were about mice. Sadly I've not seen any mice, even though I have my camera ready. I'm thinking about setting up a trap for a mouse and see if I can trap one for some nice pictures. Hrm, I should see if I can find a marcro lens.

Soo, the zoo! Let's talk a bit about it in retrospect. I walked though town, about an hour, an hour twenty and spent all the day at the zoo. I can for sure say that winter is not the season to be there. It is a bit like a post-apocalyptic landscape. No people, some animals, trees without leafs. The outdoor areas were quite commonplace. Much like you can see at any zoo. However, the indoor areas were were nice. They have 5 different buildings spread out over the area. And they show every aspect of the zoo. Turtle egg incubation, baby lizards, veterinary office. Heck, even jellyfish larvae.

The thing I didn't like about the zoo was the inconsistencies in English signs. All in all, only about 10 animals in total had English information, the rest were in Dutch alone. Hey I don't mind that there are no English signs, but it gets annoying when only a few got it. All or nothing.
Guess how I took this picture =D

The monkey area was quite dull though. And it really, really, really smelled like poop in there. Understandable since they're indoors for the winter and they don't spend as much time decorating places for the winter. What amazed me was that two other people was standing inside there, amidst all that horrible smell of urine and poop and eating. Then I heard them speak, German, and things fell into place.

Anyhow, I'll leave you with this, and head out into Amsterdam!

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