Saturday, December 1, 2012


I've made some changes...

The plan was to head to Odense after this to meet up with Andreas for a weekend in the city. However, that had to be changed due to too much work for Andreas which he couldn't dodge. However, my hosts were kind enough to let me stay a bit longer here.

My hosts are really happy to see me stay longer!
This, however have caused a bit of problems train-wise. Especially since I had called to a travel agency and asked about the train tickets from Denmark to Amsterdam and then onward to Antwerpen. They said they can't book within europe. I said I can't book though the site and it asks me to call in. They say that It will be available closer to the departure date. I try to get a ticket, and it says "we would give it to you, but it is too close to the departure date!"

Sooo, there I am, my friend Bart waiting for me in Antwerpen and have gotten a few days off even. Panic rising. I start calling all agencies I can find online to see if anyone can help me. Noone can. I am about to give up, half-choking sobs, when it strikes me... one of the sites showed which train company the trains belong to. So I do a new search on that site, then go to each and every company's site and manage to get an e-ticket from them, which my beloved brother printed out for me.

In other news, these last few days have been rather calm and nice. I've spent a day shopping with my brother's girlfriend. Spent an evening with my good friend Peter, drinking a few beers and talking about travel in general. Also eating on a Dutch themed resturant (hutspot and meat, mmm). And today I spent an afternoon and evening with Oscar and his girlfriend Mia. Oscar have made a really, really, really awesome mulled wine and also threw together a really sweet pumpin soup.

So, on Sunday I head to Denmark to spend half-a-day there, with monies donated by Peter towards the cause. And then onwards and forwards to Belgium!

My beard got upgrades!

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