Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ich bin ein Berliner!

So, I left Amsterdam with mixed feelings about the place. Mostly I just felt isolated and depressed there. The city wasn't all too beautiful. The people greedy and often rude. Tourists everywhere, and most of them being obnoxious and loud. Giggling like teenage girls over a pop idol about that they can smoke weed. Oh whee, yeah, good going. Anyone anywhere can smoke weed if they want to. It's not like it actually is that hard to come by illegally.

Next time Mr. Mouse... next time...
One night, I was relaxing at the hotel, Discovery Channel on the small television, Nintendo 3DS in hand when suddenly I saw movement by the sink. It was a mouse! A honest to god tiny little mouse! I went "Eeeee!" and tried to find my camera, but it got away. The next morning I heard rusting in my plastic bag with food. I hurried to straighten it up and saw it in there. But as I went for my camera it jumped out and ran away.

For the evening, I set up a cunning trap. When I woke up the next morning, the trap was tripped! But the illusive Mr. Mouse was gone together with the crumbs of potato chips.

Yesterday night I arrived here in Berlin. A much friendlier city than Amsterdam. Sure, people are stressed here, but there aren't beggars here which when you accidentally look at them start following you around as there was in Amsterdam. Before you read on, make sure to put on this song:  Mr. Jones Machine - Vit Citroen. It will set the perfect mood. I went from my hostel this morning, singing along to this song which was set on repeat. After a while I came to The Fernsehturm, where there was a really cozy christmas market.For 3 euro I got a really large sandwich with vast amounts of feta cheese on. 

Then I strolled around a bit. I was here last summer, and I must say I like it better without all the tourists. Also, there are many small christmas markets all around. Very cozy wooden cabins with open sides where people sell hand made candy, jewellery, food, glühwein. Together with small ice skating places. Of all the christmas markets I've seen during my travels, the ones in Berlin are the best by far.

Also! Today I have been on the road for a full month! Huzzah! I wonder if my roomie miss me back home. Or if he is relishing in the fact that he got the apartment to himself. I hope for the first. Because I'm missing home myself.

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