Sunday, December 16, 2012

I think i just got hustled...

So, there I was, mindig my own business when this black fellow makes a tight turn and as I walk fast I don't have the time to move out of the way. So I bump his arm lightly say "sorry" and move on. He comes after me, yelling that I spilled his drugs and shows me his pipe and there is some white stuff over his hand, the things he spilled. "Man, I spent my last 50 on this, you buy my stuff. You buy my stuff. I know people here, you don't buy you sorry" and he started shouting at someone. Long story short, I just paid him what I had on me. €25. He grumbles and moves on, cursing loudly. Talking about racists and what not.

At closer inspection I gather he really had no drugs, and had just poured a bit of ash over his hand, hustling money from tourists. Because unless he was odd enough to smoke cocaine, I don't know any drug which is such a.fine white powder. Which you put in your pipe at least. And walk around with. On a street. Aww well, was still more exciting than the torture museum. Even if a bit more expensive.

What was worse is that it was my breakfast money, so I had to hunt an ATM for an hour, since all I found were out of service.

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