Monday, December 17, 2012

Rumble in the night

"I might be going down, but I'm taking you with me!" I heard a voice saying as I got home yesterday evening. I was nibbling a EuroShopper noodle box I got from a super market and looked around me to see who just spoke. Then I heard a slow long growl and felt a sudden pain in my stomach.
"No! Why would you do such a thing?!" I screamed in horror and pain. "I did nothing to you!"
The only answer I received was a maniacal laughter as I staggered towards the bathroom.

Yup, the tourist stomach finally set in. Despite my attempts of varied and healthy foods, I guess I had a bitterballen too many or a resturant I visited cheated a bit with cleanliness. Might also be the tap water. Sooo, I'm just staying in doors, and staying hydrated today. Sooo, a day with videogames, QI episodes and what not I gather.

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