Sunday, December 30, 2012

Florida, Florida, Florida!

Okay, I've been out of juice for my laptop since I arrived here on the 24th. So, that made me unable to do a blogpost. However, to be honest, I could have if I borrowed one of my hostesses computers. But I was mostly just too lazy. I've really needed lazy after the long flight. My hostesses are scared I'll grow bored, but I keep assuring them that I like the nice, slow and enjoyable Floridan pace of things.

So, my plans have changed a bit. My original idea was to head back to Sweden around February, however since I paniced when ordering my return ticket, I now have a return flight at the 20th of Marsh. Me, in my panic and without sleep for 24 hours thought that "90 days... that is one and a half month". No idea how I got that. Sooo, I will be staying at each place a bit longer than I first intended. But, then again, it is quite nice to not have to feel stressed out.

So, now I am in Florida, and I've already done some nice things. I've been to a Highwaymen museum. The Highwaymen are a few black people who were influenced by the artist A.E. Backus who was a very famous landscape painter. Google the feller and google for the highwaymen and you'll probably recognize it.

We also went to see a historical museum about Fort Pierce, where I got to learn tons and tons of things about american history. All the way from the native americans to the second world war. The guide who took us though it was completely awesome. Normally the museum takes about 30 minutes, but with his information and enthusiasm the tour took 3 hours. Despite the fact that when he started the tour he said "I'll just get you guys started, and then you can see the rest of the exhibit yourselves". Cudos to you, Peter. I was so caught up I didn't even remember to take pictures.

Apart from that we also went to a water centre where we got to see lots of fishes, a bit of swamp and also got to pet sting rays. One of the rays got really attached to one of my hostesses and was really cuddly and lovesick. Nope, not the one in the picture, but an actual sting ray.

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