Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today have been another eventful day!

Bart and I slept in late and then headed to Breendonk concentration camp. It was another one of those museums which really look good. At the beginning you got a little machine into which you typed numbers. Though out the whole place you found the numbers, and when you punched them into the machine, a speaker voice gave you information about that item. The English voice was really awesome.

The exhibit told us everything from practical information about the area. About the guards there and what happened to them after the war. About the prisoners and their faith where available. Witness testimonies from inmates who survived. Over all it was truly scary and horrible to hear about and see. The fact that it was raining/snowing and really wet and muddy and cold when we went outside for the outside parts of the tour didn't help. One just felt guilty about complaining.

After that we went for a cup of hot chocolate to warm our cold hands and chilled souls.

Then off to IKEA for meatballs and fries and make Bart drink some swedish Julmust, however it didn't taste as good as the one I'm used to.

Now we're having trappist beer tasting, so I'll be signing out!

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